US Fed Tax Return Preparation

$295 only

Included in our US Federal Return Flat Fee:

  • All standard US expat tax forms: Forms 1040, 1116, 2555
  • All standard schedules: Schedules A, B, C (profit and loss from self-employed business), D, and 1 Rental Property

If you are an American citizen living abroad and have earned income within the filing guidelines established by the IRS, you must file a US federal income tax return. The rules for filing a US fed tax return are generally the same whether you are in the United States or abroad. Your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax regardless of where you reside.

Although the rules to file a US fed tax return are similar if you live in or outside the US, the expatriate tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code dealing with Americans living abroad are totally different than for those living in the U.S.

The complexity and length of the federal income tax code section dealing with American expatriates make it highly probable that deductions, exclusions, and credits may be overlooked if the preparer does not have the knowledge in expatriate taxation. Special consideration should be given to hiring an expat tax expert to prepare your US fed tax return.

We are Expatriate tax return experts with more than 20 years of experience assisting American taxpayers living abroad with their US federal tax returns. We are tax professionals trained and experienced on foreign earned income laws.

We are committed to bringing unparalleled service for the lowest price.

The Cost of the preparation of your US fed tax return is $295 and it includes must federal forms. Start Now